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Youth Worker services in conjunction with local schools in Rangiora. Contact Andrew Thornburrow on 03 313 4997 (…)
Te Tahi Youth is a ‘one-stop shop’ offering FREE medical appointments for 10 – 24 year olds. You can self-refer to (…)
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they m (…)
Deliver health and well being programmes in Intermediate and High schools. Resilience, hauora, negotiating relation (…)
It’s ok to have problems. It’s actually quite normal to have problems. But it’s not ok when your problems make you (…)
Direct mentoring service matching children aged 6-12 with mentors in a professionally supported one to one service (…)
Canterbury Resettlement Services exists to support people from refugee and migrant backgrounds living in Christchurch to (…)
Community Colleges NZ Ltd (Comcol) is at the heart of the community. As a charitable organisation, it has been nurtured (…)
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust provides free social and community services that strengthen the wellbeing of (…)
Let’s have a nice cuppa, eat good cake and take this unique opportunity to discuss any aspect of death and dying. I wi (…)
Enabling Youth provides individual programmes to at risk young people struggling with issues around anger and other diff (…)
Farmstrong is a nationwide wellbeing programme for the rural community. Our aim is to help you live well to farm well. (…)