The Property

Home & Family is a child centered organisation that aims to ‘Protect Childhood’. We believe all children should have the right to live in homes with people who cherish them, keep them safe and nurture their potential.

Services provided:

  • Child and Adolescent Wellbeing services – Child therapy using a combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, psychology, education, and other interventions. Referrals must be from professional agencies engaged with the whanau.
  • Whanau Resilience – Delivered via our youth mentoring programme Te Hononga, a 12-week one-on-one programme focussed on safety, connection, and well-being. Referrals must be from professional agencies engaged with the young person/whanau.
  • Komanawa Parenting Services:
  • SafeCare – Early intervention programme for parents and caregivers of Tamariki ages 0-5. Delivered over 18 sessions that cover 3 modules based on information gathered through an initial assessment process. Referrals must be from professional agencies engaged with the whanau.
  • Brief Intervention Parenting Programme – Programme delivered over 6-to-8 weeks tailored to parents and caregivers of Tamariki aged five and over. The programme’s aim is to assist parents in setting goals to enhance their understanding of child development and expectations while supporting them to implement strategies to connect with their Tamariki. Parents gain valuable skills in communication, self-reflection, and age-appropriate parenting strategies.
  • Supervised Contact – Our home setting allows Tamariki to re-establish and maintain contact with a parent/parents through court appointed supervised contact.
  • Integrated Safety Response (ISR) Team: A multi-agency intervention in response to family harm related police call outs.
  • Safe and Together trainings: We provide training to agencies and professionals wishing to upskill in the Safe and Together Model; a framework for working with families impacted by domestic violence. This is a perpetrator-pattern based approach which is recognised internationally and implemented across all Home and Family services.

Please refer to our website for further information and referral forms.



Free Cost

Contact info

Business Hours

Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Local time 07:04am

Additional info

Delivered in North Canterbury

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