The Property

Plunket Admin-line: 0800 184 803

Plunketline: 0800 933 922 (24/7 phoneline for parenting advice)

  • Well Child Service to families (0-5yrs) according to need.
  • Health assessments, plans and support for families.
  • Clinic and Home visiting as needed.
  • Additional care and parenting groups. Parenting groups and opportunities for parents to meet together i.e. play groups, coffee mornings.
  • Family centre services – baby sleep and settling, feeding etc.
  • Perinatal Adjustment Programme- for maternal mental health support Parent and Infant Relationship Service for infant mental health support+
  • Plunketline VC Lactation Consultant service – online


Plunket nurses:

Shirley Gibb 027 675 3267– Rangiora, Loburn, Fernside, Ohoka and Swannnanoa
Krystel Arboleda 027 281 5849Rangiora, Ashley,Sefton, Woodend, Ravenswood and Tuahiwi
Helen Umbers 027 675 3268
Oxford and Cust
Clare Hewett – 027 206 5879 – Hurunui area
Fionna Mills 027 687 8342 – Kaiapoi, Clarkville, Mandeville and Ohoka
Kaisa Viitanen 027 223 5678 – Pegasus, Waikuku, Woodend Beach, Kaiapoi North and Pines beach


Marley Biggins 027 293 8995 

Community Health Workers: 

Lisa Mitchell 027 590 6722 – Hurunui and Waimakariri excluding Kaipaoi

Kate Westwood 027 217 3718 – Kaiapoi

Clinical Leader:

Cindy Smith 027 223 2657


Free Cost

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Contact info

Whānau Awhina Plunket, War Memorial Building - Corner of Albert and High Streets Rangiora

Additional info

Delivered in North Canterbury

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