Plunket Admin-line: 0800 184 803
Plunketline: 0800 933 922 (24/7 phoneline for parenting advice)
- Well Child Service to families (0-5yrs) according to need.
- Health assessments, plans and support for families.
- Clinic and Home visiting as needed.
- Additional care and parenting groups. Parenting groups and opportunities for parents to meet together i.e. play groups, coffee mornings.
- Family centre services – baby sleep and settling, feeding etc.
- Perinatal Adjustment Programme- for maternal mental health support Parent and Infant Relationship Service for infant mental health support+
- Plunketline VC Lactation Consultant service – online
Plunket nurses:
Shirley Gibb 027 675 3267– Rangiora, Loburn, Fernside, Ohoka and Swannnanoa
Krystel Arboleda 027 281 5849 – Rangiora, Ashley,Sefton, Woodend, Ravenswood and Tuahiwi
Helen Umbers 027 675 3268 – Oxford and Cust
Clare Hewett – 027 206 5879 – Hurunui area
Fionna Mills 027 687 8342 – Kaiapoi, Clarkville, Mandeville and Ohoka
Kaisa Viitanen 027 223 5678 – Pegasus, Waikuku, Woodend Beach, Kaiapoi North and Pines beach
Marley Biggins 027 293 8995
Community Health Workers:
Lisa Mitchell 027 590 6722 – Hurunui and Waimakariri excluding Kaipaoi
Kate Westwood 027 217 3718 – Kaiapoi
Clinical Leader:
Cindy Smith 027 223 2657